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Guidelines and Rules
If you wish to participate in the showcase forum please read these rules carefully; please note that they have recently undergone significant changes.

[b]The EA Showcase is for showing off an existing community and [u][color=#FF0000]should not be used as a starting point for advertising any needs[/color][/u].

The aim of the Showcase forum is to demonstrate the potential of Exclusive Access.[/b]

The EA Group reserves the right to close or remove, without warning, any threads that do not adhere to the following guidelines:
[*]Submissions MUST have pictures and subtitles
[*]Submissions MUST include information on what it is/where it's from/what it's for
[*]Submissions MUST not contain any inappropriate images, text, or foul language.
[*]At no times can a user adversite, for any private or community non-related to the exclusive access
More will be added.

All websites posted in this forum are subject to feedback from members. Please be respectful when leaving feedback, any disrespectful and/or non-constructive criticism will be removed without warning. If you do not wish to receive feedback simply do not post in this forum.

[size=x-large]Cleaning this forum:[/size]

Because many come and go we have decided to clean this forum out once a year. When this happens all threads will be deleted, however if you're still active you are welcome to make a new thread.

[u][i][b]If you come across any issues within this forum please do not hesitate to bring them to our attention by reporting them.
We reserve the right to modify these rules & guidelines at any time and apply these modifications to all posts, even if they predate the changes.

[b]Note:[/b] Should you have any questions or comments about this thread or any of the other new policies please post them here.

Yours sincerely, the EA team.

If you wish to contact staff about any of these rules please use the Private Inquiries forum.
[align=center][b][i]Exclusive Access[/i][/b] [i][b]Head Developer[/b][/i] & [i][b]Administrator[/b][/i]
[color=#C71585]Come As Guest. Stay As Family[/color]
Founder of Nezy & Exclusive Access © 2013-2014
Forum Staff Team

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